Das sieht sehr geil aus! Wie sie die Stäbe in die Harnröhre schiebt sieht schon heftig aus! Den Rest kleinen Finger kann ich auch rein bekommen. Aber den Zeigefinger, das ist schon extrem. Das würde ich auch gerne probieren. Fühlt sich bestimmt sehr geil an...
Would have been even hotter is there was something stimulating his asshole and prostate like a vibrator or a speculum secured to the end of the examination table to open up the hole and simulate the prostate from inside the rectum along with the sounding inside the urethra. Bet that would bring him to a very strong orgasm.
Very hot video. Big man with his legs in stirrups gives complete access to his cock, balls and asshole. You can tell by the way his anus continually winks and contracts that the sound is stimulating his prostate and the bladder when it goes deep. Hell if he has an enlarged prostate you can bet the sounding opens up the urethra more so he can piss without a problem.